A strange thing happened the other day. I wanted to surprise my girlfriend when she came back from her third year of college by asking her to marry me. I figured she and I could enjoy our long distance one final year with her showing off the meager engagement ring that I could afford. Wanting another woman’s viewpoint, I called her mom, Barbara to ask for assistance. My soon to be fiance and I had an awesome relationship. Although Jodi wasn’t freaky in a sexual way, she didn’t mind when I downloaded porn to watch anal sex movies. In fact, ...
Anal Sex Movies: Midlife Anal Crisis!
I was forty-nine years old and my once hot and tight body was becoming more and more difficult to maintain. In addition to this unwelcome reality check, initial streaks of grey were showing in once totally natural blonde hair. My children were all on their own with successful careers. As if this wasn’t enough to deal with, I just received a phone call that I would be becoming a grandmother for the first time. Quite frankly, I was simply not ready to be a grandma! Now, please don’t get me wrong, I am a family woman and love kids. I ...
See Anal Sex: Hershey Highway!
I had always done fairly well with the women but, had one serious sex fantasy box left unchecked; The Hershey Highway! I had always wondered what my first time anal experience (aka Hershey Highway) was going to be like but, was growing tired of bullshit dating sites where the chicks would promise to do anything but, then refused my anal advances. I always found it interesting how they would allow me to wine and dine them but, as soon as I tried to enter the “Hershey Highway,” they would have every excuse in the book. My favorite? Telling me my cock was too ...
Anal Sex Movies: First Time Creampie
I had always been told that the larger the lady, the tighter the ass. Honestly, I planned on finding out for myself first hand (or should I say, first dick) as I was only interested in losing my anal cherry to the right ass! Hell, I had only fucked a very few times and found that all my previous fucks had rather loose, sloppy pussies. My only experience anally was when I would watch anal sex on my favorite anal website or when I downloaded some anal sex movies on my Roku. I had never experienced anal sex with any lady, big ...
Watch Anal Sex: Grandma Likes it Up the Ass!
Like most students, I took odd jobs in college to help pay for my beer, and porn. Since this was before live cams were common, I used to watch anal sex movies pretty much everyday. I always enjoyed fantasizing about tearing into some females’s tight ass with my near eight inch cock at some point? Or better yer, make it a threesome where I can plow my hard cock into two different asses while I watch anal sex from a first hand. . . and first cock viewpoint! I was getting ready for my senior year and desperate to raise money for my books which are way too ...
See Anal Sex: Next Time
My fingers playfully traced across the butt cheeks of my best friend Pam. I simply could not resist rubbing my fingertips across her taut body, gently probing, spreading her ass cheeks further and farther apart as I prepared myself to taste another girls pussy and ass for the first time. The moment had cum and I confidently went where I had only dreamed of before this special moment to actually experience and see anal sex. After licking, sucking and fingering Pam to so many amazing climaxes, I must say I impressed even myself with my female pleasing prowess. I felt she deserved such an incredible orgasmic ...